The story of Jaya Lengkara Wulan, ending with Jaya Lengkara ascending the throne of Sonya Wibawa with the title Prabu Surya Dipaningrat. In a kind of epilogue it is stated that the kanda Sukma Ngumbara is the sequel (see MSS Jav 12).Javanese language and script. Written in the court of the Sultan [Hamengkubuwana II] of Yogyakarta on 22 Rejeb A.J.1730 (7 Nov. 1803).
The Serat Selarasa (MSS Jav. 28) is the most beautiful illuminated Javanese manuscript in the British Library. It is dated 1804, making it perhaps the earliest finely-illustrated Javanese manuscript known. The manuscript tells the story of Selarasa, prince of Champa, and his two brothers, who are forced to leave their kingdom after their elder brother becomes king and treats them with disdain. Selarasa and his brothers subsequently undergo many adventures and trials during their enforced travels.
The Serat Damar Wulan (MSS.Jav.89) is one of the loveliest Indonesian manuscripts in the British Library, with a treasury of illustrations depicting Javanese society in the late 18th century.
#seri_naskah_aksara_Jawa #Serat_Damarwulan
Diskripsi: berkisah tentang naiknya putera Brawijaya, Kusuma Kancana Wungu, hingga mencapai takhta Majapahit. Ditulis dengan bahasa dan aksara Jawa. Tertanggal Jum’at Manis, 9 Rabi’uIl Awal, tanpa tahun (tapi diperkirakan ditulis era abad 18 M).